Consider Applying for our 25’ Season!
Do you have an idea for a solo / duo show opportunity and want to show in our gallery space?! Please consider applying!
82Parris is an artist-run gallery and event space for early to mid-
career creatives. 82Parris provides opportunities to this underserved
demographic by facilitating an accessible environment for artists to
gain practical experience and various ways to build a network of peers.
This is implemented through both solo and group shows, peer
critiques, live music, and other pop-up style events. 82Parris
inhabits 82 Parris Street in Portland, ME - in the New Systems Laundry building.
We seek to honor the legacy of New Systems
continuing to broaden the reach to more artists and communities.
The Team
Kat Miller
Annie Conant
Hannah Day
Holden Willard
Kincaid Pearson
Painter, Textile & Fashion