Consider Applying for our 25’ Season!

Do you have an idea for a solo / duo show opportunity and want to show in our gallery space?! Please consider applying!

82Parris is an artist-run gallery and event space for early to mid-

career creatives. 82Parris provides opportunities to this underserved

demographic by facilitating an accessible environment for artists to

gain practical experience and various ways to build a network of peers.

This is implemented through both solo and group shows, peer

critiques, live music, and other pop-up style events. 82Parris

inhabits 82 Parris Street in Portland, ME - in the New Systems Laundry building.  

We seek to honor the legacy of New Systems

continuing to broaden the reach to more artists and communities.


The Team

  • Kat Miller


  • Annie Conant


  • Hannah Day


  • Holden Willard


  • Kincaid Pearson

    Painter, Textile & Fashion